On September 18 at Eurocontrol HQ in Brussels, final documents were signed to officially make Portuguese Air Navigation Service Provider NAV Portugal the sixth member of the COOPANS Alliance.
Validation of “Follow the Greens” - Airfield Ground Lighting and Speed Control
The COOPANS Alliance Board took place at Austro Control headquarters in Vienna from May 14 to 15.
New CEO of Naviair
The COOPANS SWIM (System Wide Information Management) project held its “Kick off meeting” in Copenhagen, with participation of COOPANS System Realization Management and the expected work package leaders.
The COOPANS Air Traffic Control System was showcased at this years TRA (Transport Research Arena) in Vienna.
On March 14 in Lisbon, final documents were signed to put Portuguese Air Navigation Service Provider NAV Portugal on track to become the sixth member of the COOPANS Alliance.
The COOPANS presence at the World ATM Congress in Madrid was very well received.
This includes transfer initiation messages (TIM), change of frequency messages (COF) and manual assumption messages (MAS).
The COOPANS Alliance Board meeting took place in Stockholm from February 27 to 28.
Carsten Fich (58) is set to become the new CEO of Naviair on 1 May 2018.
Visit us at the World ATM Congress and learn more about our cooperation including an operational demonstration at our simulator.
CODACAS (Convergence Of DSNA and COOPANS ATM Systems) is a partnership between COOPANS and DSNA aiming at studying the feasibility of procuring a common core of their ATM systems.
New chairman of the COOPANS System Realisation Management Group (SRM)
The order was presented by the French Ambassador to Denmark, François Zimeray, at a ceremony at the French Embassy in Copenhagen on Thursday 14 December 2017.
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