
COOPANS SWIM Project kick off

Short content:
The COOPANS SWIM (System Wide Information Management) project held its “Kick off meeting” in Copenhagen, with participation of COOPANS System Realization Management and the expected work package leaders.
Long content:

The purpose of the kick off meeting was to align the initial planning between workpackages and ensure common understanding of tasks and interrelation between workpackages, as well as common  project governance.

Objectives of the project:

Develop and implement a COOPANS harmonised SWIM yellow profile infrastructure in all 5 participating ANSPs, based on LFV experience and connection of the common Topsky environment.

Develop and implement a harmonised Cyber Security and PKI Management for this harmonised SWIM infrastructure and the connection of COOPANS Topsky platform

Develop and implement a SWIM Ext AMAN service capability, both as supplyer and subscriber

Implement sufficient monitoring capabilities for the new SWIM technology

Ensure sufficient training of inhouse competence, to operate a SWIM environment, and enable a high agility in development of future services and maintenance hereof.

Ensure international standards during development of SWIM environment, by hiring temporary external expertise for specific tasks

Expected results:

The expected result is to have a COOPANS common SWIM infrastructure, with a harmonised Cyber security framework, enabling future expanded cooperation within the COOPANS group on development of future SWIM services, involving common components, such as the Topsky ATM platform. The benefit of harmonisation is future economy of scale.

For each COOPANS ANSP the result will be to have a SWIM baseline infrastructure for development of all SWIM services, including those not of common COOPANS interest, and a workshare on common COOPANS services, such as an Ext AMAN service as the pilot common SWIM service. Benefit is potential cost savings.

Furthermore the result will give each participating ANSP an inhouse capability, to produce and maintain an agile organisation for future development of SWIM services, with an expert back up/support from increasing organisational liability through cooperation.

The kick off meeting had good discussions and agreements  about how to reach a harmonized COOPANS solution for SWIM yellow profile and how to move forward. Now the detailed workplanning in each WP will start including detailed resource- and competence planning, synchronized meeting planning etc.

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