
Successful SESAR Validations, Trajectory Based Operations

Short content:
This week at the Thales SkyCenter in Rungis, COOPANS Alliance air traffic controllers and Thales run the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking PJ18 Real Time Simulations for PJ.18-W2-53 and PJ.18-W2-56.
Long content:

In PJ.18-W2-53
, The overall goal of our real-time simulation is to reduce the controller workload by introducing enhanced conflict detection tools and automated conflict resolution proposals both horizontally and vertically. We are paying particular attention to the human performance aspects, where timing and thresholds are vital to let ATCOs maintain their situational awareness. Parameters in the conflict detection module, combined with artificial intelligence (#AI), will provide the ATCO with a conflict-free trajectory and lead to increased safety and potentially increased capacity.

In PJ.18-W2-56, our real-time simulation is investigating the intensive use of CPDLC complex clearances (i.e. several instructions in one single clearance) by the Executive Controller or the Planning Controller, as well as the integration of EPPs in the ATCO radar display. The simulation also explores the possible benefits of increased automation in the ground system, such as the preparation of CPDLC clearances in advance and automatic consistency check between the airborne and ground trajectories.

As these are two very promising V2 exercises, COOPANS and Thales will continue developing and optimising these functionalities in the future.

Thank you to all team members who are making this a reality! 


#4DSkyways #airtrafficmanagement #SESAR3JU @4DSkyways

This project has received funding from the SESAR3 Joint Undertaking under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 872320


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